Wed. noon.
-1 : for misspelling.
-2 : for typographical error.
-5 ; for sentence structure and thought.

Do you notice any difference or can’t you read this either? I hope you give me a better grade on this than I just received on my theme. C- for grammar and B- for thought. The only reason that I got the B- in thought was because I put down the ideas of his which he had given the day before. That’s my new motto “Anything to get by.” In high school there were a few female teaches who could understand you alot better than any they have up here.

I certainly hope the weather this week-end will be like its been yesterday and today. I don’t even mind going in swimming even if I do just about freeze. I will ask you that when you get up here.
Yesterday in Chem I finished my first unknown but I also think I flunked a quiz. If its O.K. with you we will go to the Aragon Sat. night there will probably be three couples. (I have to answer the phone,.) I got one swat Mon. night for not answering it once before, but my roommate was swatting and he couldn’t hit hard if he wanted to. Don’t tell him that though or he might want to practice up some.
This letter is really alot longer than it looks. It looks like its almost as long as one of my 500 word themes. To keep you from becoming bored with it I had really better close.
Honey, I can hardly wait till Fri. comes even if I do have n hour exam in Trig.
With all my love,