4:45 Wed. afternoon.

I’ve just had my hair cut so maybe I had better not see you Easter. The longest one might be 1/2 inch. It really doesn’t look very bad though. Do you think you could stand to see it?
Say honey I would rather have you keep your dates with Jim than get sick to break them. Take care of yourself.
I had a test in Chem. yesterday and an hour exam in Psychology this morning so now I can take it easy the rest of the week.
I cut two classes yesterday morning. The eye I had hurt wouldn’t open till about 10:30. I don’t know what was the matter I think I will go to the eye doctor when I am home. I think it was mostly eye strain because I had studied pretty late.

What have you decided about going home Easter? Let me know when you decide I don’t know for certain if we will get to come through Champaign or not.
I hope you weren’t in the tornado they had down there. It must have been quite breezy.
(Will finish this after dinner.)
So many of the fellows liked my haircut that they are going to get one just like it.
Steve wants me to go down to the Evanston library with him so will close.

Going to start to work on my second unknown tomorrow I hope it goes O.K.
Don’t hang around the parlors too much.
With all my love,