Wed. morning.

you did very well in writing so soon and such a wonderful letter. I hope you have everything straighten out with your house mother by now.
I received six letters yesterday, not bad, I was quite ___________[1]can’t make this word out. I got one from your mother, she certainly knows how to write and interesting letter. One from Bob, he said Bill R had his leg hurt and would probably be in a cast for a few weeks and then a brace for a year. It certainly is a tough break. I got a card from Bill and a letter from each dad and Cleda.
We are suppose to clean the house up this afternoon, but I am going to duck out and study at the library. I have that hour exam in Chemistry tomorrow. I have a Trig class at 11:30 so will close for now and finish this later.

(15 till 12:00)
When I left for class the sun was shining, now its snowing. I am due at swimming in 15 min. so might have to finish this after that.
I didn’t do so well in the Trig exam I got a C. I made so many silly mistakes I felt like kicking myself.
Don’t you forget the three letters on Mon., Wed., and sometime during the week-end. Finish this later.
(15 after 2:00) Eating lunch.
We played water polo all period in swimming today. I am pretty tired.
I made it out of the house with out anyone seeing me but they will want to know where I have been when I get back, but that won’t be before 6:00. We have an exchange dinner tonight.
Honey, your letter made me feel alot better and I hope you always feel the same way about me. You know that you are all that matters to me.
With all my love,

↑1 | can’t make this word out |