Wed. evening.

I am down at Elaine’s for dinner this evening and wanted to answer your letter.
The temperature is now 15 degrees below 0 and if it get any colder I will feel like heading south. Last night it got down to 20 below.
It was really swell to get your letter and as you know by my last letter that I wasn’t in any better mood than you were, and I doubt very much if you could have been feeling half as lonesome as I was. (I don’t feel very much better yet.)

Zoe, I guess maybe I am to jealous, but I can’t seem to get use to the idea of you going with other fellows. Still I know I can’t expect you not to go out but do hope that you won’t forget about me between these vacations.
I slept for awhile this afternoon, not that I meant to but I was reading Leigh Hunt again and the next thing I knew it was 4:45, that book must have that effect on me, if I remember right I went to sleep over it for a few minutes one time before.
Say, do you think Ruth would consider a date with Hank after the game on the 7th. He doesn’t believe he has to go back to Chicago till 2:00 in the morning, and he would like to have one. It would not be really certain but you might ask her.
By what Elaine says dinner must be about ready so will stop now and write a little after while.
(45 min. later)

I can just barely move. I have been eating soup for the last 45 min. Elaine and Stanley said hello and wished you were here to eat soup with us. (They don’t wish it half as much as I do.)
I have some math. to get and then I want to get back to school and finish some Chem. I have just found out that the Chem course is to be lengthened next semester. There will be 3 hour labs and one quiz and two lectures.
I found out my exam schedule today my last exam will be over Tues. Feb. 3. We register Fri. and Sat. the 6th & 7th I will probably register Fri. morning at least I better then I will get to leave that afternoon.
Pardon the stationery.
Write soon.
With all my love,