I got out Thurs. night. I had a double theme due Fri. and got it finished in time. I am still so far behind that I just don’t know where to start. I am behind three assignments in math I have been working on that tonight. I am at Elaines’. They have gone to a bridge party.
It certainly is a pity that you aren’t at N.U. but if you were I wouldn’t want to be in the hospital.
I am listening to the “Hit Parade” now.
Your grades really sound swell I wish you would give me some of that knowledge. I missed an hour exam in Chem. when I was in the hospital when I talked to my quiz instructor he said I couldn’t make it up. I am going to see the head boy Mon. and if he won’t let me either I am going to be in one hell of a fix in Chem as well as German.

I have a good idea for a bet on the game. If N.U. wins you will let me drive with one hand even on the corners. Is that a bet.
It did seem like I spoke to soon by telling you to take care of yourself and then getting sick myself, but honey do take care of yourself. I love you more than you will ever know. I would be the happiest person in the world just to be near you.
I am going to stay here all night. I have a lot of work to finish and I want to mail this yet tonight so had better cut it short.
Be good and I will see you in about 21 days.
with all my love,