Just finished putting on the finishing touches to a double theme it should be good for a B.
I guess you received my second letter so I am doing better than you, I don’t even wait for a answer. I have been trying smoking my pipe all evening, I though that might be a good way to get rid of a sore throat. Its really been sore for the last few days, I am afraid to go to the infirmary because they put you in the hospital for little of nothing. The weather here has finally broke and it is getting a little warmer.
I studied Fri. night and Sat. afternoon, then Steve and I went down to Elaine’s and ate dinner. We stayed there all night and played bridge till 12:00 I am not very good at that game but learning slowly. We had an exchange dinner with one of the sororities tonight but I didn’t feel much like going so Steve and I ducked out and went to the show. I probably won’t be able to sit down after tomorrow night (swat night) because everyone was suppose to go.

Honey, I would like to come down very much Fri. the 6th I am pretty sure that I will register that morning and not Sat. That week would be the best for me because there would not be any work. I will let you know more as soon as I find out when I register for certain, if this isn’t O.K. let me know.
I hope you made it O.K. on your mile skating trip I am sure you did.
Zoe, I would miss twenty formals to be with you one week-end and I wouldn’t enjoy myself without you being there with me anyway.
Do you think you could come up here some weekend around the first of March. Elaine wants you to stay there, but she might put you to work nitting things for “Junior.” That is all she as been doing lately. (I hope its’ a boy.)
N. U. beat Chicago last night and they are all set for Illinois, but Hank says it will be the toughest game of the season.
I have an hour exam in Chem. Tues. so had better close because I will be up all night tomorrow.
Write soon and remember when you go out on dates that you have –
All my love,