I’ve been thinking so much of you this evening that I simply had to write you tonight.
A bunch of we fellows went to the show tonight then cleaned the room. Can you imagine that from me?
The swating is in full progress, as yet haven’t received any more, but was suppose to have got one yesterday after lunch for not wearing my pledge pin on my green hat. I thought they had forgotten all about the green hats.
Honey, maybe I should worry and maybe I shouldn’t, but I do. know I am always jumping at conclusions and getting very jealous but I really can’t seem to help it. Wen I think of you going with someone I feel that I should be there, then . I think of how far apart we are, and get to see each other so seldom that I wonder just what chance I have got. Honey, I do hope you love me at least half as much as I love you.

I am going to sleep till noon tomorrow and study tomorrow afternoon. I am now taking psychology instead of German it’s a long story so won’t take up the space here. I start psychology Mon. it will be my first time to its class and we have a quiz over the first 5 chapters.
The new roommate and I are getting along O.K. so far.
Hank flunked math he didn’t know it till this morning. He got a letter from the Uni. telling of his ineligibility for any sports. It had a great big artical in the Chicago Tribune about it. He’s feeling pretty low and then to top everything off in the same mail he got a notice from the draft board to be ready for call any time. He’s really having troubles.
I hope you are convinced by this time that you will not be in the way if you come up here. You are being expected and I am going to be at the station at 9:00 Fri. night the 6th. As things stand now we have a car for that night.
Your letters have been swell you don’t know how much I look forward to receiving them.
I will wait again Sun. night. I do appreciate your refusing a few dates down there. (Another example of my jealousy.)
With all my love,