Are you surprised to finally get a letter? I really haven’t forgotten you, in fact its just the contrary I can’t get my mind off of you.
One more exam to go and I will be through. It comes Tues. morning. Steve and I are going down to the library this afternoon.
I think I flunked the German final yesterday, it was the worse damn thing I have ever taken. The only question I am sure of getting right was the last. It was to write a conversation between two people from the time they got up in the morning till they got to school. I thought we might have something like that so I sat up all Fri. night and memorized two pages of the stuff. I hope he thinks alot of the effort.
I have just found out that my chemistry course next semester has 2 three hour labs on Tues, and Thurs. afternoon. They are starting a new system for pre-meds who are majoring in Chem. It is going to take about 10 hrs. of regular class work.
I think the folks[1]Doc Cartmell and Cleda are going to call you before you go back and decide where to meet when they come Champaign.

I went to the show last night. Steve and Bud and I, we saw “Honky Tonk” some picture now I see what you meant in your letter.
How does it feel to be home I certainly wish I was there with you. How many dates have you had?
We have really been having some nice snowy weather here. It looks like it is going to snow this afternoon.
Bud is still in the hospital his temp. is still 101 degrees. He had a pretty rocky time of it. I heard that one of the doctors said he had been plenty lucky to pull through. His temp. was 105 degrees for two days.

Honey, I will let you know when I will arrive in Champaign. I might come on the bus. I think there is one that leaves in the afternoon at 2:30. The train does not leave till 6:00. I will let you know.
Tell your folks hello, and for them to see that you don’t have too many dates, while there. I think it would be a good time for you to catch up on your sleep.
I have been to church for the last two Sundays, not bad for me.
Cross your fingers for me Tues. morning.
If I was home now could I have a date tonight? I wish I could deliver this letter in person tonight about 7:30.
With all my love,

↑1 | Doc Cartmell and Cleda |