I am awfully sorry you can’t make it this weekend. I should have let you know sooner but I really didn’t know. If I had known sooner that you couldn’t go I wouldn’t go but the folks are expecting me at Hillsboro Fri. afternoon. I hope you can come to the formal and I won’t get another date till I know for certain that you can’t make it. It sure seems like we are having one hmmmmm of a time getting to see one another but I know how it is having all the tests come at once. I am going to have some studying to do while at home. I have a test in Psychology Mon.
When I cut classes it is usually because I don’t get up, not because of the weather. I slept through a Chem lecture Tues. morning.

I have a theme to finish for Mon. so had better close.
Honey you don’t know how much I want to see you and hold you but I guess all that will have to wait.
with all my love,