Dear Dad,
Jest time for a short note before bed. I want to thank you for the envelopes, I think I like the large ones better than the small. I am glad you received the picture and the one you liked the best.
I finished up my flying for basic today. I got alittle over my required no. of hours. All together I have 150 hours, my log book is gradually filling up. However, I still feel as if I know very little about flying. I guess it is a pretty good thing because they say as soon as you are no longer afraid or feel that you know it all is when you bust your fanny. I don’t know what they are going to do with us because we still have a couple of weeks here with nothing to do. We have been hearing rumors that we will get a three day pass. If so I plan on going to L.A. and visit Aunt Molly. We have been getting more sack time (sleep) lately but still everyone is tired. I guess it grows on you after awhile.

Say, I have been noticing all the things your hotel has in it by the stationary. When April comes and if we really do get a leave I know where I can keep in condition. You haven’t spent any time in the gym have you?

I wanted to ask you about how you wanted me to fix your address in case the army wanted to reach you. I think I could just tell them in the tactical office and give them the hotel address as temporary, because it is a pretty big job to get it changed on all your papers and also have your dog tags changed. Let me know because I didn’t know for just how long you were planning on keeping your present address.
Well it is about bed time so had better close. Tell the folks hello.
With love,