Dear Dad,
I sent all you folks a letter yesterday to Elaine’s. However, I received your letter yesterday afternoon with your new address. Hope you are feeling well settled and that the work will be interesting.
In your letter you said you were enclosing a card for me to sign. It wasn’t in the letter so I guess you must have forgotten it.
I want to ask you about my ears. I flew yesterday and I had, or rather, was just getting over a cold. We did an hour of acrobatics, going up around 10,000 ft. we did some loops, spins and other such procedures that put the plane in power dives. My ears bothered me a little after landing but I had to go up for a buddy ride with another cadet. When we got back to the base they sent me to see the flight surgeon. My ears didn’t hurt any but just felt more stopped up than they aver had before. The Flt. Sur. said I had been pretty lucky and took me off flying duty for a few days. I went back this morning and he said they looked alot better but I won’t get to fly before Mon. I was wondering if you thought any damage was done. I know the printable of the thing that the air expands and goes out of the inner ear when you go up then when you come down the cold keeps the air from going through the tube back into the ear, thus causing the ear drum to be pulled in. Is the only danger in that of getting a broken ear drum when you come down? The Flt. Sur. said they would be OK in a few days, but i still hate to miss the flying.

I guess you are leaving for Chicago today. Did you stop by Decatur on the way?
I haven’t had a chance to look up the people in Hanford yet and we aren’t getting out this weekend either.
The weather there sounds just about like what we are have here. I am glad that you received the dates and cigars.
I’ll be waiting to hear all about things so let me hear from you when you get time.