Dear Folks,
I can at least start this letter now but we have ground school in a short time so I’ll probably have to finish it tonight.
We are really down to work now and I already have 3:15 hrs. of dual time in. After changing from a Stearman to the BT’s it is like going from a model “T” to a “42” Mercury. I think I am just about to go instrument crazy.

We use radios in these and have several switches for them, also have prop controls which changes pitch of prop, have hlaps, mixture control, several gas selector valves, night flying lights and equipment, wobble pump, rudder and elevator trim tabs. For just about any maneuver you do you have to first go through a certain procedure getting all these things set. We’ll have to to close for now.
Just returned from dinner. The regularity of these meals is certainly wonderful. Lunch at 1:30 and then dinner at 4:15. It sounds almost as bad as a doctor’s schedule.

I hope to solo in a few more days because it takes alittle more time in these BT’s. They have what you might call a few bad characteristics. You have probably heard of fellows spinning them in on their landings. fThis is probably the worse thing about them but if you keep a good glide, keeping plenty of flying speed there isn’t any reason for it. These planes are alot heavier than the Stearmans and have 450 h.p. which is a pretty big jump. Even with this size engine they are still under powered. If you want to look them up they are known as the BT 15. My instructor is a pretty good Joe but he is still a 2nd Lt. and it doesn’t pay to get to chummy with them. This flying game is as much a game of psychology as it is flying He is only about 21 if he is that old but I’ll say one thing about him and that is he has more patience than any flyier I’ve seen yet. I hope it holds out for a few more hours. We don’t get very much dual after we solo.
Be sure you get my box no. in my address. We really have it nice here, regular post office box for each person just like you have. This is really the nicest post we have been on yet even though we do get less free time in fact from 6:00 AM. till 9:30 P>M> we don’t get more than 2 hrs. off. The barracks are really nice. They are divided into fairly large rooms with four to a room, with desks + chairs.
Oh yes! Dad I hope you received the cigars and that they weren’t too bad. I found them the last day I was in Phoenix at some little cigar store. It was run by a Jew so if anyone has anything to sell he would.

I think this is the first organization aside from the frat that I have been in that hasn’t been full of Jews. I guess they figure there isn’t enough money in flying to suit them, or else they are afraid of high places.[1]This is the first antisemitic statement from Tom I’ve seen. I was surprised to read it because throughout my life, I do not remember a single antisemitic comment from my mother, Tom’s … Continue reading
Anyway here’s hoping the cigars hold out for awhile. The cigars are for Christmas even though they are alittle early. I also had another box sent that’s for both of you because Cleda, I don’t imagine you will much care for the cigars. I don’t know when they will arrive but I ordered them from Phoenix so I’d be sure and get something off for Christmas. I also sent Elaine’s a box, I had some while there and they were really good and I hope you like them.
Enough for now –
With Love,
You can write my address as follows:
A/C Tom Cartmell 16136631.
Box 62, Class 44-D
Lemoore, California

↑1 | This is the first antisemitic statement from Tom I’ve seen. I was surprised to read it because throughout my life, I do not remember a single antisemitic comment from my mother, Tom’s sister. I can’t explain his comments and don’t understand the source of his feelings, but I believe them to be factually untrue. Approximately 500,000 Jewish-Americans served in various branches of the US Military during WWII, and 52,000 of them received US Military Awards. This was the same proportion serving as in the American population at large. |