Thurs. afternoon.

Dear Folks,
It was really swell to receive your letter and get all the latest news. I am glad you received the cards at such an opportune time. From the sound of things I can seed why Stan has his doubts as to ever seeing the new curtains and drapes. Mrs. S. Hughey and daughter Karen seem to be keeping up the social standing of the Hughey household.
Thanks alot for sending Karl’s note, it had been some time since I had heard what the boys had been doing. He didn’t know what his address would be did he? Do you know his mother’s address? If you do send it to me. If he was amazed at how much Karen has grown I probably won’t even know her.

You had better wait till I send you my new address before sending any packages because they are alittle slow on forwarding packages but letters will be OK.
Stan, I wish I was there to help you put a coat of paint on the hamper. Maybe it will be nicked up enough for another coat when I get there. I told the boys the joke you told me that Elaine told you, however, I didn’t say my sis heard it but rather my brother-in-law.

Tell Dad that I just received his letter and am glad that things are going so well for him. It sounds like the emergency cases are increasing. I never have heard of Dad say anything about a weekend off until now, it doesn’t seem quite possible. It sounds like you folks really had a nice Sun., church, drive, dinner and bridge. Sounds good. – He wondered what had happened to Zoe, as far as I know, nothing has. I am surprised that she hasn’t called you. I imagine she is alittle peezed (sp?) at me because I figure things alittle different than she. I know exactly the type of girl I am looking for but will probably have to wait till after the war to find just what I am looking for. At the present I haven’t even been able to find one that is even alittle bit old fashion and that is one of the first requirements. Someday when I have alot of time I’ll tell you my idea of the woman worth waiting for, however, I’ll tell you now that it will probably sound an awful like I am describing my “Sis.” Well, that should be a gib enough compliment to rate a box of cookies.
We haven’t been doing much the last couple of days. I doubt if we get much of a pass. They are suppose to give us a 24 hr notice but usually if you get a 4 hr. notice you are lucky. They even had us drilling yesterday afternoon so we wouldn’t get bored. It was the first we had done any of that since we left primary. Doesn’t sound like the army does it?

Our bunch is really getting split up here. Most of the fellows are going into bombardment, it is funny how we all seem to want different things. Alot are going to Colo. and fly B25’s and it is rumored that they will get their transitional training in Australia, which means they will be across inside of 3 mo. The rest of us are going to Tex., New Mex., and Ariz.
Enough for now
With love,