
Dear Folks,
We had another delightful California day today, needless to say it rained. I had supposedly finished my flying last Tues. but it seems that the brass hats got a bright idea to give our whole class another check ride. Squadron 17 had them this afternoon and we have ours tomorrow afternoon. No one can figure it out because we have already had our final check rides. The boys from 17 said they had everyone out giving the checks from the major on down. It would be just my luck to get mine from the major tomorrow. We got to see our orders today and I am scheduled to go to Luke Field. (Tell Dad) Ernie Burgess and my other two roommates are also going there.
I have finished one of the books you sent me, “Topper.” It was interesting and full of laughs. You would really be surprised at the amount of reading we do here. It seems like down on the flight line when ever you see anyone not flying he is usually reading a pocket book. They just fit in the knee pockets on the flying suits.
Just heard that the reason we are getting checks is because of new orders out from Santa Ana. The funny thing is that they gave alot of the flying officers a few days off and now those that are here have to give all the checks. I can imagine what kind of a mood they are in.

How do you like your new quarters by now? I almost said barracks. From what you told me you must have alot more room. What does Karen think about the deal? Has she had any trouble getting use to the new surroundings?
Dad told me in his letter that Karl Abt had called. Did he get out to see you? What does his future look like?
I hear from Bud VanMeter everyonce in awhile. He is still on some island in the S.P. and seems to be having a pretty good time. He says he is looking for me out there some of these days. I don’t know if that would be good or bad. Steve says he wants to see me in England so I don’t know how I can see them both. I don’t know where Bob Lake is, I imagine in the Pacific somewhere. Steve said he met a marine officer on the boat going over that knew Frank Haigler (the fellow that looked like Randolf Scott) so I guesss the ΣN’s are fairly well spread out over the world. I got a letter from Auntie and Jim the other day. Jim has my old job working with Roscoe Taylor and likes it fine. They sent me a couple of ties that I can very easily use as you can tell by the picture I sent. The way that this looks I must have slept in it for a couple of nights.
It seems like my roommates don’t appreciate the lights being on so to keep peace in the family I had better close. Hope to see you in April.
With love,