Thurs. night
Hello Folks,
It was really sell to receive the pictures and the letter. Thanks alot for sending them and Elaine, I am glad that you got yourself … one of them. I like the wings on the coat and I guess you are a regular air corps fan. Karen, certainly has grown more than I had imagined. I sent alittle Christmas box to you folks last Mon. while we were on pass in Hanford and here’s hoping the things I got for her fit. The shopping facilities in the burg are really limited and Penny’s was the biggest store in town and they can be exchanged anywhere. I still owe Karen a doll but they didn’t have any in town and Christmas isn’t Christmas for little girls without new dolls. If you wi8ll explain to Karen for me tell her that Uncle Tom is sending one as soon as possible. In case you can’t figure it out the sweater and tie are for Stan. Elaine, I still have something here at the base I want to send you and the handkies were in case this was a little late. By the way did the dates arrive yet? Let me know if you don’t get them because I had them ordered in Phoenix. I had some while there and they were the best I had ever tasted so hope you enjoy them.

The flying is coming pretty well. Yesterday I was transferred to the instrument squadron for 10 days to get my basic instrument training. It is probably the most nerve wracking part of our training. Everyday while on the flight line we get an hour of dual instrument flying, an hour instrument lecture, an hour in the link trainer and an hour solo time. It really keeps you hopping and the biggest complaint is that you don’t even have time to visit the john. Your dual instrument ride is the most screwy thing I have ever been in. You ride in the back seat with a hood covering the cockpit while the instructor sits in front and observes. He told me today I had the thing upside down several times and I didn’t even know it. After about 15 min. up there you really begin to trust your instruments and distrust your senses. It seems that all the instrument instructors are very calm and patient fellows, which is a good thing. I am sending a picture I got here of one of our BTs. It shows alittle bit of what our area looks like. The picture makes the plane look smaller than it really is.
I received a letter from Cleda yesterday. I am enclosing part of it which I thought you might be interested in, and I would also like your idea of the thing. She is really going to begin to get Dad thinking he is getting old the way she is always bringing it up. I am afraid Dad isn’t getting much encouragement from her. However, I can’t help but think he is doing the right thing and I admire him for doing what he is. I wish I were there to move with him.
Well I want to get in some early sack time for tonight because I am trying to get rid of a cold and sore throat. It doesn’t take ,much of a cold to make your ears act up around here.
By the way I soloed last Fri. I hadn’t expected to tell at least the first of this week but I have about 5 hrs. solo in already.

I might as well admit it that I am alittle scared of the thing, but everything turned out OK. Enough for now – Give Karen a kiss for me.
Goodnight –
With love, Tom
P.S. I had some pictures taken Mon but I won’t be able to get them before the middle of Jan. I’ll send one then.

The lake in the background is about a mile from the field.
It’s a nice little airplane but tricky.

…of those folks like Mrs. Cox – Mrs. Grigg etc. who are so well read – but I suspect I was a good guesser ha –
We have been sorta on edge and since the time is drawing nearer for us to leave it is getting worse.
I think your dad has never realized just what his leaving or going away would mean. The last few deays he is becoming pretty nervous about it. I really feel sorry for him. Don’t worry about it for things will work out but I don’t think he’ll ever be…

…content. It will be so different not seeing his old friends and after working for himself so long the change and working for some one else, will be so different + the age he is – So I think you can do a little encouraging – by telling him that if it doesn’t work out + he doesn’t like it in his new work – he should come back here and have the house and start on a different basis of hours etc., + be a bit more independent etc. He thinks he’ll have so much…

…time + that his talking of having an office downtown in Chicago – which certainly won’t mean easing up one bit. I’m not at all in favor of his going for his sake -n However – I will say I have not discouraged it much for he must try the change before he will really know + I sincerely hope he will like it for someone who is his age must not be at an unrest.
We don’t know what we’ll do with the house nor the furniture nor anything else much – I’ll likely be back + forth for some time – There is no use tearing up when your dad isn’t too…

…sure of himself in his work.
Here’s hoping it works out!
I suspect Elaine wrote you of their anticipated new member. – In their family -I think it is awfully nice. I’m glad for them.
I hope you like your new place fine –
Good luck + good wishes –
With Love