Accompanying Tom’s original letter was a handwritten transcription by Dr. Cartmell, presumably to sent on to Cleda in Greenville. I’m enclosing photographs of Dr. Cartmell’s transcription of Tom’s original letter at the bottom of this page.
Tom describes his flying plans, and an upcoming trip.

Dear Folks,
Pardon the pencil but I am down at the flight line and haven’t a pen. I didn’t fly this afternoon, we were suppose to take the high altitude cross country but they couldn’t get enough planes. Will probably take it tomorrow, it is to Yuma, Blythe and back to Luke at 18,000 ft. We had our high altitude formation flight yesterday, you would really be surprised to see how much different the plane acts up there. We had a rat race coming down and it is really nice to have so much sky to play around in.

We are suppose to start instruments the day after tomorrow. From all reports they are going to be plenty rough, several of the fellows in the other squadrons that have already had them have either been washed back a class or else washed out completely depending on their check ride. To pass the course you have to pass your 50-3 which gives you an instrument rating. I have about 7 hrs. in the link trainer but would like to get some more before starting on the real thing it would probably make things much less confusing.

Elaine, I am really sorry I didn’t get to talk to you Sat. night. We found out at 5:00 PM that we would get open post that night and just as I was leaving they gave me the phone message that you had called. By the time the bus got to Phoenix it was 9:45 and I had a date for 9:00, had I known you were there waiting I would have called then. I felt like kicking myself. I sent you alittle something for your birthday. If it hasn’t come yet let me know.

I received a letter from Mary Beth Schwartz today. She said she had called you to get my address, I owe her about two letters which isn’t too bad considering all the other letter I owe. She said that you said Karen had Tom’s blue eyes, I consider that a compliment but I am afraid they are almost green now. How is Karen and has she gained all her weight back?
Listen “Paw-Paw” Cartmell you are going to have to take a back seat when Uncle Tom is there as far as Karen is concerned.

I wasn’t able to find out anything about a train schedule for you. We have to make all our train reservations through the red cross. I went out to see about plane reservations and there seems like a pretty good chance of getting them on the morning of the 15th. I will make reservations for both the plane and train and will cancel the train if the other works out.
Dad, you and Cleda could plan on going back on the evening of the 13th. You could check with the trains and I’d put a bid in early and try to get a pullman compartment. If I don’t make it then you can cancel it. Let me know what you find out.

Will have to sign off for now, “Roger and Out.”