Dear Dad,
I’m really sorry that I haven’t been able to write sooner, but last night was the first nights sleep that I had had for four days. We finished one of our night flights and in 4 nights I flew 16 hrs. plus some instrument flying in the afternoon. We would finish at 6:00 AM and got to sleep till 10:00 or 11:00, however I am not near as tired as I should be. The night flying was really interesting and we took four night cross countries. The last one was over to Blythe, then down to Yuma and back to Luke. The thing I am the most pleased with is the fact that I passed my instrument check the other afternoon. I didn’t think I ever felt so relieved. It is really a comfort to know that you have the ability to turn in on the beam and get back to Phoenix. In fact that is how I came back from Yuma. Fri. I flew a total of 8 hrs + 50 min. logged time. Of course you are not suppose to fly more than 3 hours a day during your cadet training, but alot of rules are broken. I made better landings at night than I did in the day. Maybe it is because you are a little more on your toes.

Now to get around to the main purpose of this letter. The West Coast Command has changed our graduation date to the 15th instead of the 13th. We had heard rumors of it yesterday and they told us definitely this morning. We will graduate the 15th + clear the post the 17th.
I have reservations on the plane, but it would cost me $179.00 and would get me there on Tues. morning. The train gets me there Wed. noon and am at least certain of those reservations so I think I will plan on the train and cancel my plane reservations in a few days. Let me know if this new set up will work out OK. I think there is a S.P.[1]Southern Pacific train out on the morning of the 16th which will get you in a day ahead of me. Will be waiting to hear from you.

Tell Cleda I am going to try and write her tomorrow night but I haven’t been able to write any one lately.
Also tell Elaine that I receiver her letter and the N.U. paper. Tell Elaine not to go to alot of trouble or anything like that while I am there. I am not use to it and it isn’t necessary and I don’t want her to get worn out.
We go to Gila Bend in about 10 days for gunnery but just write me here and they will bring our mail down.

Well Dad it is almost dinner time so had better sign off. You must have had your fingers crossed for me on my instrument check. I hope I didn’t use all my luck up on that one thing.
I certainly hope this change doesn’t interrupt your folks plans.

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