Dear Dad + the folks at 828[1]Elaine, Stanley and Karen are living at this address.
It seems like I have really neglected you lately. We have been flying instruments the last 5 days, and I am just about done in. This is the first time that any part of my flying has had me worried. The instructor that I have hasn’t passed any one of his students in the last two classes, consequently I have been sweating out the last 5 days, and still am as far as that goes. We are suppose to start night flying tomorrow night. I still have any instrument check to pass which has me plenty worried. I was suppose to get it today, but the ceiling was 0 all morning so no one got off, now I don’t know when I’ll get the check. If I am going to be held over a class I would like to know about it. I’ll let you know how things turn out as soon as possible because if I get through that there isn’t much to worry about. Our night flying consists of a couple night cross country’s and different landing stages, such as as black out landings, and other landings using different type lighting effects. I don’t know how these things will be landing at night, they are bad enough in the daytime.

Dad I received your letter today and was really glad to hear that you and Cleda were coming out. I am certainly hoping that everything goes right here so you won’t have to change your plans. I’ll do my best to keep that from happening. You will arrive here Apr. 12th. I don’t know just how much time I will get to spend with you here, but I doubt if it will be very much. We are scheduled to go to Gila Bend for gunnery on the 29th + and will return the 8th of April so when we return, they will probably keep us pretty busy getting ready for graduation. Anyway I think you will like the graduation and should be with worth seeing. From what I just heard we get off the night before graduation so I guess we can be together.
It really sounds like you, Bill + the other boy had a time. I can imagine Bill’s breakfast because he was the Chief Cook on all our fishing parties. I am really glad you had them, because I imagine they really enjoyed it, and alittle change like that means alot to all us fellows. Wish I could have been there.

Elaine + Stan, I received your letter of the 8th and really enjoyed it. Glad the cards were practical. I am afraid that you will have to explain the game of bridge all over to me. From all the descriptions of Karen that I have been receiving I will really be surprised, I can’t imagine her running around and eating by herself. When I last see her, you were feeding her some kind of eggs, orange juice, oatmeal + several other mixtures. Half of this had to be caught from the chin and tried over again. By the way you never did tell me when the new addition was to arrive.

I am really surprised at about Benell + Gene. She is the one that he went with so long.
Stan you hit it right, you get mixed up everyonce in awhile in night flying as to the stars being lights on the ground or vice-versa. That’s when instruments come in handy, In basic training that is probably the biggest danger because you don’t know just what if all those dials are for.
Well the night is passing so I had better sign off. Will make your hotel reservation and keep your fingers crossed for me the next 30 days.
With love

↑1 | Elaine, Stanley and Karen are living at this address. |