Dear Cleda,
Well this is what you would really call desert country and it is really getting warm. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, we arrived here at Gila Bend this morning.
We start flying tomorrow. We get 25 hrs. of time here in 10 days which includes both firing on ground targets as well as targets towed by another plane. At the present it all sounds very complicated but the way they fly around here it looks like it might be alot of fun.

Some of the fellows are living in tents down here but I was lucky enough to get in one of the barracks (if you can call them that).
They let us off a good bit this last week and I didn’t get any letters written. Thought I might as well get away when I had the chance. I guess Dad told you about us having an accident with Mr. Perk’s car last Sat. night. We all got quite a jolt but no one was hurt. The care is being fixed up now.

I am really looking forward to seeing you folks in a couple of weeks. Have made your hotel reservations and I believe everything is set. I have changed my mind and decided to fly to Chicago. They gave me the wrong price before and I have been cleared through to Chicago so with alittle luck should make it. The train would cost $84.00 and the plane is only $89.00 and will get there 32 hrs. sooner. Leave here Mon. at 10:50 AM, + arrive in Chi. 4:00 AM. Tues. However, if I get put off some where along the way I’ll probably wish I had taken the train, but that’s the chance I’ll have to take.
You certainly seem to know just when I need something. It so happened that my writing material was down to just about nothing. I can also use this when I am through here. Thanks alot.
It seems that I am about the only one that isn’t catching up on some sack time (sleep). We have to get up at 4:30 down here and go to bed at 8:00 PM.
Will be looking forward to seeing you soon.