29 March 45.
S. France

Dearest Zoe –
It seems that these letters are getting less and less interesting and hope they are not too boring for you, but Hon I do enjoy writing to you even if it is just to remind you that you have a husband who loves you very much. It just goes to show you what the right woman can do for a wrong guy.
I’ve told you about the tent and as much as I can of what we do. Maybe when some of your more recent letters start arriving I’ll be able to know what you want to hear about.
As usual everyone is in bed except me but I like this part of the day the best as I am able to think of you so much deeper.
I wrote Elaine’s and Grandma C. earlier in the evening so you can see that I have accomplished something today. That happens to be just about all. When not sleeping we have been picking up some nice juicy rumors, some sound nice and others not to sharp, but you can’t depend on any of them.

I’ve really been a good boy lately in having stayed away from the club during drinking hours. Andy and I both have made a decision and hope we can stick by it. Would hate to go back to the states and spend a couple weeks in the hospital getting ulcers taken care of and I am afraid that’s what it would end up in if we kept drinking this stuff. I’d give all the whisky and wine around here for a couple gal. of cold milk or a case of coke. We haven’t seen any of that since leaving the states. I am sending a request slip in this letter. On second thought I’ll put a p.s. at the bottom of this.
It is getting pretty late Darling so guess I had better turn in. Goodnight Hon – I love you
P.S. If you can send some home made cookies or candy. Show this and you can send a box. We are not too particular any more so if it doesn’t turn out too well send it anyway, no complaints will be made.