Southern France.

Dear Folks –
I thought V-mail would get to you pretty fast as Chicago has one of the photographing labs. I’ll mail this in the morning so you might let me know when you receive it.
Andy and the other two boys are asleep but you know the Cartmells when it comes to going to bed. The electric lights went out some time ago but a couple of candles are OK to write by. I slept a great deal today so am not very tired tonight.
There isn’t much to write about other than to let you know everything is OK. Received a couple of letters from Zoe today that she had written on the 5th and 16th. She had planned on writing you folks around the first of April but now that Ruth is still at home she might wait till she leaves. Wish we could all spend Easter together but guess we’ll have to take a rain check on that till next year. What news we get over here all sounds good so it might not be too long. Cleda, hope the meat shortage there isn’t giving you too much trouble. What I wouldn’t give for a couple gals. of ice cold milk. Goodnight –