26 Mar. 45.
S. France

My Dearest –
Another rainy day that you helped out on. Your letters of Mar. 6th and 7th came this afternoon, keep it up Hon, you will never know how much they help. About my being able to hold my liquor, thanks for the compliment, hope you will always be able to say it. I got quite a kick out of Bill and Anne’s letters. I just can’t picture Bill being married but I guess he feels the same way about me. It sounds as if they have a pretty nice place to stay. Hope Bill doesn’t stick his foot into anything and end up in some God forsaken place like Southern France. You mentioned you had been doing alittle sewing – how are the bibs coming along? Those silk panties you got fro Karen must be O.K. but those of yours were good enough for me. Those white ones that you could see through were I think my favorite, however, maybe I wasn’t influenced altogether by the material. Also that black nightgown – now there is a masterpiece of workmanship. lThe person who thought up that creation had had an experience or else a very vivid imagination. I’ll bring my mind up out of the gutter and sometime in a more decent way – hope you are not too disgusted with me.
In your letter of Jan 7th you didn’t know where I was as you hadn’t heard for sometime. I imagine you had to wait even a good while after that – hope it wasn’t long enough for you to forget me entirely.

You tell our son to take it easy in his kicking or he will come to an understanding with his old man. If it happens to be our daughter tell her she will have to wait just one year longer before she will be allowed to go on her first date.

Darling as in your letter there hasn’t been an awful lot happening. today that’s worth writing about. The lights went out about 30 min. ago but I sort of like to write to you in the candle light. The other three are in bed asleep and with a warm fire and the candle light on your picture I realize how very much I love you. I can’t understand how I lived as long as I did without you Darling. I don’t think that whoever the person or persons might be that are responsible for the mess we are in, you being at home and my being here, could have ever possibly have been in love. If they had I don’t think things would be as they are but instead I’d be with you, where I really should be. anyway Hon all I wanted to tell you in all of the philosophying is that I miss you and love you very much –