“Somewhere in France.”

Dearest Zoe, –
Honey, I hope this letter makes some sense, however the four of us just returned from the little town and this French wine and beer aren’t too good on a persons thinking ability. Certainly wish you could have been along, if you had I think I could have fully enjoyed the evening. In fact if you wouldn’t have objected I’d probably ev en have made love to you. Honey, I would have done that without even a drink, however, as it was I had to be content with a couple of drinks and the thought of you. Gee Hon, it will certainly be wonderful to be with you again, I don’t know if you think about it as much as I do, but even if you don’t, I do enough for the both of us.
I received and signed and returned the papers to Fred Martin. Had Maj. Gardner our executive officer certify to it so you might check to see that he receives it OK.

Hope Jr. is behaving OK and he should be getting use to sun baths by now. I wonder what Mrs. Clyde would say about sun baths, it probably makes the baby red These modern mothers – it is really a wonder we have a future generation coming up. They will probably turn out to be the best yet.
Darling, the lights are going out in 5 min. so had better close. I wish it were possible for me to tell you how very much I love you, but believe me Hon I love you more than anything in the world. Goodnight –
Forever yours,