April 23, 1945, Northern France

Tom’s final letter to his parents, received by them several days after his death had been reported.

He discusses the weather and explains that “Everything is going OK and as yet there isn’t much to worry about”.

Mon. night, 23 April 45.
“Northern France”.

April 23, 1945, Northern France
April 23, 1945, Northern France

Dear Folks

Just time for a short letter but did want to write to you. I think I have now received all of your letters up to the 11 April. Rcd the V-mail you wrote came yesterday so you can see which is the faster. My mail going to you seems to be going through pretty fast and now with our new APO ours might speed up alittle. Anyway regardless of the service I still enjoy all of your letters, and be sure and tell Elaine the same. I imagine by this time things are settled alittle more definitely for Stan as to his color of uniform, certainly seems things worked out O.K.

Things here are still about the same. The weather has been pretty nice and for awhile was getting pretty hot around noon which didn’t help our sleeping.

Everything is going OK and as yet there isn’t much to worry about. Some of the stories coming back from the front sound like something from the Japs but imagine the papers are covering all that at home.

Enough for tonight –

Love, Tom

April 23, 1945, Northern France, V-Mail
April 23, 1945, Northern France, V-Mail

A Young Man Went Off to War