“Northern France”

My Darling –
It is pretty late Hon and I am plenty tired so if I go to sleep on you don’t get mad. Besides there isn’t anything new to write about since I wrote last night. I can tell you again that I love you more than anything in the world, but if I say this you are liable to get tired of hearing it and think that I am just feeding you a line which would be as wrong as wrong could be. And also you might be just getting tired of hearing it. However, I am going to keep saying it until you come right out and say that you don’t want to hear it again.

Well Honey, Andy, Mar, and Red are all in the sack and that’s where I should be.
Tell the folks hello – and be good Hon. – Goodnight –
If you don’t like this stationery you can send me some. – Send me some stationery, candy, food and anything else that can be eaten.