“Northern France.”

My Darling –
I haven’t very much time Hon but did want to write even if it is just a short letter.
Received two of your letters today, April 7th & 8th. Life looks alittle more cheerful now, at least it isn’t as blue as it was.
To answer your questions, I don’t need any money or clothes as I finally got all of my clothes back and we are receiving our flying pay. Thanks anyway Hon – I still have my travelers checks. Money doesn’t mean much anyway. About a name to go with Elizabeth, I like Elizabeth alot and how about Elaine to go with it – Elizabeth Elaine sounds pretty good. Also good initials – Elizabeth E. Cartmell – let me know what you think.

Hope Jr. has taken a rest from all his kicking, but don’t you go blaming it all on the old man. The reason is probably what Mrs. Clyde warned you about – REMEMBER? –
About my staying over here if the war with Germany ends soon. I haven’t any idea just what would happen, it might be that we would go from here right to China or somewhere like that and again we might return to the states and again we might be in the occupation army. However, Hon even though they are alot closer to Berlin than when you wrote the war still isn’t over. From what we hear life in occupied Germany isn’t without its dangers, when you have to see that the little kids and old people don’t slip a hand grenade under your chair or in your sack. Sometimes I wonder if we are not going to have to kill them all.

You asked about when . our tour over here ends. We are supposedly working on a point system – two pts. for an intruder mission and one for a patrol – sixty pts. to go home. If we do not continue with the system it will be a straight 175 combat hours.
Have to close Hon. – I love very much –
It was too bad about Ernie Pyle.