“Northern France.”

Hello Darling –
Sorry I haven’t written the last couple of days but I had the chance to go to Paris so took it. I went at sort of a bad time because Sat. night everything was closed, and I mean everything, paying respects to the President. However, we didn’t get there till fairly late and had to spend most of the time in the Red Cross getting living quarters and a place to eat. There were four of us that went in and got a hotel about in the center of town. Sun. morning we went on a Red Cross motor tour and really got to see Paris, that is, all the places that people go to Paris to see. Am sending some pictures later that I got. Also as luck would have it the day being Sun we couldn’t hardly get a thing in the way of merchandise. There are alot of things we can’t buy such as lace and stuff like that because it’s all rationed and not much of it to be had.

Sun. afternoon we went to the “Folies Bergere” – sex – in the package I’ll be sending, there will be some sexy pictures that they sold there – hope you aren’t shocked. In the evening we hit several of the night spots and I must say that Paris didn’t seem to suffer from the war. In case you are wondering I was a very good boy – drank alittle champagne watched the floor shows and went back to the hotel. We had to catch our train early this morning and my feet had never been so tired. I think I walked from one end of Paris to the other – not just once but several times. Took the metro (subway) but every time we took it we always ended up at some un-Godly place.

Honey I certainly wish you could have been with me – it would really had been wonderful. Maybe when Jr. makes his first million he can send the old folks on a trip to Europe. Really though Hon it doesn’t seem right going to Paris, Reims, etc. without you.
Your letter of Mar. 28th and Easter card were here when I got back. They were better than the trip to Paris. It is a good thing that I checked you out in the fine art of cleaning shrimp but Hon I think I would have just taken one shrimp off each plate after cleaning them and then not having enough to eat. As for having more than four in our family – if we do let either hire a dish washer or else use paper plates because I don’t like dish washing.
I am really looking forward to your box. Andy said to tell you the next time you write Mary you can mention the fact that you sent a box. He said to be coy about the whole thing – I think he has a tapeworm because he claims he’s starving to death. I think it’s in his mind.
Your selection sounded swell as to what you are sending – I’ll ration the olives so there won’t be any dangerous results.

I am looking forward to the picture you are sending. Hope you have it on the way by now.
I hope you were not kidding when you said you wished that I were there to put you to bed, because Hon I am certainly not kidding when I say I’d give anything in the world to do it. Darling I love you very much. Goodnight –
All my love forever,
Hope Ruthie likes Phoenix – Tell the folks hello.
Make it more than just one picture – make it several.