“Northern France.”

Dearest Zoe –
Now that our censorship ban has been lifted alittle guess I can tell you a few things. You had probably guessed that we had moved out of S. France. Sorry I wasn’t able to write for a few days. Honey, I might not be able to write everyday like I have been trying to do, not that I don’t want to but won’t have much choice in the matter. Compared to this we had it pretty nice down south, in fact it was like a vacation, however, I think the vacation is over. Don’t worry Hon because everything is OK.
Our trip up here was pretty nice as we came up on the railroad and got to see alot of the country. I shouldn’t say the trip was nice because living on cold K & C Rations for several days isn’t too sharp also froze every night. We came up alot of the way along the Rhone River and it was really beautiful country and at a nice time of the year. Every bridge over the river had either been bombed out by our AF or else the Germans had destroyed it. The engineers had done quite a job in getting the line fixed up. However, Hon remind me never to complain about the U.S. R.R. anymore because now I think I am an authority on about the worse. That ride we took east was plenty soft. I got to see alittle of Lyon and I think that is the best city I’ve seen yet. Hope to get into Paris one of these days as I hear it is pretty nice. One thing about Lyons were the modern apt. buildings which were quite a contrast from the usual French architecture. It was good to get up here and somewhat settled. A warm meal really tasted good even if it was just warm C rations.

I don’t think I told you but I am gradually collecting somethings to send to you. Got acouple of little bibs for Jr., a pink and a blue so it won’t matter what the outcome is. The perfume is probably pretty lousy but it is the only thing to be had. You can’t hardly get anything that is any good and you pay about ten times what it is worth. Hope to be able to get you something better in Paris.
Our incoming mail is really snafu now due to our move but should get straightened out soon.
Goodnight Darling – I love you –
Forever, Tom