“S. France”

My Darling, –
Another rough day Hon. got up at 11:30 and just did make it to lunch. However, didn’t miss anything even though I did get in on the tail end. These C rations are getting to taste worse and worse and I also haven’t been seeing any of that delicious chicken mixture you use to tell me about. They are probably eating too much of it in their tests in Chicago that consequently very liittle is getting over seas. Leave it to the QM[1]QM = Quartermaster Corps snafu the works. – O.K. so I am bitter.

The Chaplain came to our estate about 4:00 this afternoon and held Easter services. He must have had several stops before getting here. Tonight’s dinner was alittle better with baked ham, I’ll never know where they got that unless the farmer on the other side of the field was willing to do alittle trading. It is really surprising how often food enters a persons mind over here, especially such things as milk, ice cream, candy and cakes. I haven’t been able to figure out what we are getting calcium in so I might be writing for some pills before so very long. As yet my teeth haven’t started falling out and even though my bones ache they haven’t been breaking.

Hon, what did you do today? I though about about you an awful lot. I laid down on the bunk this afternoon and dropped off for about 30 mins and even in that short time I really had a swell dream. I was home with you and to make it short we were really having a swell time. Certainly hope it comes true pretty soon. Hope you are still felling O.K. Hun, and take awfully good care of yourself. Remember to take your pills, and do anything else the Doc says.
Goodnight Darling and I think you are the most wonderful person in the world, and I have told you how very much I love you, so what more is there to say, other than I’d give anything in the world to be with you.
With all my love,

↑1 | QM = Quartermaster Corps |