Wed. night
21 March 45
“Southern France”

Hello –
I imagine you were informed from my short letter to the folks of my change of location. Must admit it was for the better. Italy wasn’t too sharp, I saw Naples and Caserta. The scenery was pretty nice such as the Isle of Capri but Naples was really bombed out and rather efficiently blown up by the Jerries when they pulled out so all that might have influenced my opinion a good deal, however, Caserta was fairly well intact. and things didn’t look too well there. Andy and I were there one evening. France is pretty nice, one thing that looks strange is to see rows of tall poplar trees spaced every several hundred yards apart. They are really rather pretty and from what I hear if it isn’t fro them, this part of France would be blown away in short order. They have mighty strong winds here up to 60 MPH. The state of Kan might take heed.
We have been working on our living quarters the past few days. It is a tent but he built a floor and a high frame and part of a door. Also rigged up a stove. French women are always coming out and taking your laundry. Andy and I got some eggs from our laundry woman today

And really had a feast alittle while ago. They tasted very good. Now that we have our stove working we are able to shave with alittle warm water.
There went the five minute warning for the lights and candle light isn’t too good for writing letters. Goodnight – Tell Karen and Tom hello -=
Love, Tom
If Aunty has any address from relation down here send them to me.[1]Aunty is Tom’s Aunt. He’s referring to their shared French heritage, considering he is now in France.

↑1 | Aunty is Tom’s Aunt. He’s referring to their shared French heritage, considering he is now in France. |