Tom and Zoe are unable to get together at home as he had hoped. He explains that when he cuts classes, it is because he sleeps in, not because of the weather.
Thurs. morning
April 23, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
I am awfully sorry you can’t make it this weekend. I should have let you know sooner but I really didn’t know. If I had known sooner that you couldn’t go I wouldn’t go but the folks are expecting me at Hillsboro Fri. afternoon. I hope you can come to the formal and I won’t get another date till I know for certain that you can’t make it. It sure seems like we are having one hmmmmm of a time getting to see one another but I know how it is having all the tests come at once. I am going to have some studying to do while at home. I have a test in Psychology Mon.
When I cut classes it is usually because I don’t get up, not because of the weather. I slept through a Chem lecture Tues. morning.
April 23, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
I have a theme to finish for Mon. so had better close.
Honey you don’t know how much I want to see you and hold you but I guess all that will have to wait.
This letter was loose, without an envelope to indicate a date. But based on the stationary he is using, and the topics he discusses in his previous letter and subsequent letter, it seems likely that this was written on Sunday, April 19th, 1942, and would have been postmarked the following day, April 20th.
Tom invites Zoe to visit him in Greenville the following weekend when he will be home. He also invites her to the Spring Formal at Northwestern in early May. He recites a gruesome tale of someone captured during the Battle of Wake Island (which fell on December 23, 1941). The fraternity house has acquired a dog.
April 20, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
Sunday afternoon
Dearest, I just got up in time for dinner today so I guess I am fairly well caught up on my sleep. Yesterday, Steve and i went down to Elaine’s and cleaned her apartment we worked from 9:00 A.M. till 7:00 that night. Then played alittle bridge. We really gave the place a going over. Cleaned all to the walls, ect.
Say honey can you come up May 2 to the spring formal. Elaine said you wouldn’t be any bother so how about it?
One of the fellows in my Chem class came over to the house Fri. night and we went to the show. He has a cousin who was captured on Wake and the boys mother got a ltetter from him that the Japs had let him send. In it he told her to save the stamp for his collection. She knew he didn’t ever have a stamp collection but she steamed off the stamp and underneath it he had written that they had cut out his tongue. I wouldn’t put it pass them.
April 20, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
Could you go home this coming weekend? Let me know as soon as you can so I can let the folks know. If you can make it then that will be swell because I believe it will be about the only weekend I will be able to make it.
I don’t know whether I told you or not but we have a dog here at the house. A little white and brown collie. As yet he isn’t house broke but we are all trying our best. We are trying to teach him to scratch on the door.
Tom confesses to Zoe that he had a date with Mary, but wished he hadn’t and didn’t enjoy it. He asks for her understanding and forgiveness. He’s feeling generally bad, in part because the previous week was the worst he could remember.
Sat. night. 10:30
April 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
Have finished writing a theme of 1000 words. There is really only 857 but he won’t take the time to count them. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around this evening. They will probably start coming in tight about 2:00 A.M.
Honey I have a confession to make. I did ask Mary for that date Fri. night. I don’t know why and after I had asked her I wished I hadn’t. Steve had a date with Wilma. I didn’t touch Mary once and thats the truth you can verify that from Steve. She really disgusted me very much by the way she acted. I had to tell you this and I hope you will forgive me. Will you? You know I love you more than anyone else.
I am glad last week is over I never did have a week go as bad as it did. I finally finished my fourth unknown in Chem. but I had to work on it all Fri. afternoon. I am afraid I messed it up. It was a combination of three groups.
April 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
I am planning on going home some weekend near the end of this month. If you can’t make it then let me know and I will change the time.
I am sending Bill’s letter.
Zoe, I am sorry I didn’t tell you about that matter when we stopped by but you were so wonderful that I just couldn’t. There is really not much I can say other than I wish I hadn’t seen her. I wish I could have told you this personally but if you had heard about it through some other source I know just how you would feel. Hope you will understand.
Tom has returned to Northwestern after Easter break. He should be studying but instead he’s thinking about Zoe and writing to her. Tom nags her again about writing more often.
Tues. noon.
April 7, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
We got back in Chicago about 10:00 it rained all the way and I think I about scared Steve to death. He didn’t like the way I passed trucks.
Honey this picture is really wonderful. It was certainly worth it to stop by Champaign you don’t know how glad I was to see you and then it had to be for such a short time.
I thought I might go home around May 1, that weekend around then.
April 7, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 4
I made it to all my classes this morning even if I didn’t feel like it. We have an exam in Chemistry Thurs. I hope they don’t give a quiz today because I haven’t even looked at a book. Maybe that is what I should be doing now but you have a certain effect on me that I had to write you.
I wish we could be together more than we have been but I guess there is not much that we can do. I think I will be home around June the 1st or 2nd. Will you be there then? I don’t believe my summer school starts till June 22. Steve is going up into Wisconsin Thurs. and see his girl I doubt very much if he ever gets there, but he might.
April 7, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 3
My roommate hasn’t got back yet. I am beginning to think he might have got married he was sort of thinking about it. If he has I probably won’t see him around here very much. That will suit me fine.
I am always expecting a letter from you and as the score stands you owe me about ten. I will settle for three a week.
Tom is on his spring vacation and staying at home in Greenville. He and his friends visited with Zoe’s parents. He saw the eye doctor and was told that he still had 20/20 vision but reading glasses were recommended. He and his parents went out to dinner at Diamond Mineral Springs (an old spa) in Grant Fork, Illinois (population 103).
Sun. night.
April 6, 1942, Greenville, Illinois, Page 1
As yet I don’t know if we will get to stop by on the way back so wanted to get this letter off now. I am in bed now and Steve is playing cards.
This afternoon Steve, Bill, and Bob and I went up to see your folks we had quite a visit.
Say honey I saw Mary once and that was to get my ring back. I hope that is as good a news to you as hearing that you weren’t going with Jim was to me.
I went down to the eye doctors Fri. and I am going to have to wear glasses for reading. My eyes are still 20/20 through thank goodness for that.
Tom has gotten a short haircut and it is much admired and copied by his fraternity brothers. He injured his eye, and attributes it to eye strain. He’s planning on seeing an eye doctor soon.
4:45 Wed. afternoon.
March 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
I’ve just had my hair cut so maybe I had better not see you Easter. The longest one might be 1/2 inch. It really doesn’t look very bad though. Do you think you could stand to see it?
Say honey I would rather have you keep your dates with Jim than get sick to break them. Take care of yourself.
I had a test in Chem. yesterday and an hour exam in Psychology this morning so now I can take it easy the rest of the week.
I cut two classes yesterday morning. The eye I had hurt wouldn’t open till about 10:30. I don’t know what was the matter I think I will go to the eye doctor when I am home. I think it was mostly eye strain because I had studied pretty late.
March 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois Page 2
What have you decided about going home Easter? Let me know when you decide I don’t know for certain if we will get to come through Champaign or not.
I hope you weren’t in the tornado they had down there. It must have been quite breezy.
(Will finish this after dinner.)
So many of the fellows liked my haircut that they are going to get one just like it.
Steve wants me to go down to the Evanston library with him so will close.
Evanston Public Library, now (2018) torn down and replaced.
Going to start to work on my second unknown tomorrow I hope it goes O.K.
Tom avoids cleaning the fraternity house by escaping to the library to study. He’s gotten a C in Trigonometry because of silly mistakes. Tom is nagging Zoe about writing three times a week.
11:00 o’clock
Wed. morning.
March 11, 1942, Page 1
you did very well in writing so soon and such a wonderful letter. I hope you have everything straighten out with your house mother by now.
I received six letters yesterday, not bad, I was quite ___________[1]can’t make this word out. I got one from your mother, she certainly knows how to write and interesting letter. One from Bob, he said Bill R had his leg hurt and would probably be in a cast for a few weeks and then a brace for a year. It certainly is a tough break. I got a card from Bill and a letter from each dad and Cleda.
We are suppose to clean the house up this afternoon, but I am going to duck out and study at the library. I have that hour exam in Chemistry tomorrow. I have a Trig class at 11:30 so will close for now and finish this later.
March 11, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
(15 till 12:00)
When I left for class the sun was shining, now its snowing. I am due at swimming in 15 min. so might have to finish this after that.
I didn’t do so well in the Trig exam I got a C. I made so many silly mistakes I felt like kicking myself.
Don’t you forget the three letters on Mon., Wed., and sometime during the week-end. Finish this later.
(15 after 2:00) Eating lunch.
We played water polo all period in swimming today. I am pretty tired.
I made it out of the house with out anyone seeing me but they will want to know where I have been when I get back, but that won’t be before 6:00. We have an exchange dinner tonight.
Honey, your letter made me feel alot better and I hope you always feel the same way about me. You know that you are all that matters to me.
Tom is feeling good after his weekend with Zoe. He continues to struggle with the ritual hazing of his fraternity. Tom and Zoe have agreed to write each other three times a week.
2:00 Mon. Afternoon
March 9, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
I hope you made it back O.K. and also that you are missing me as much as I am you. It certainly is awful to only get to be with you for such a short time. Maybe someday it can be different at least I hope so. I hope you had a good time because I certainly did. Remember what you are going to tell me in two weeks are sooner, I am really anxious to know.
I made good connections coming back on the “L” last night, but didn’t get to bed till 11:30. My roommate has the idea that if he is staying up to study that I should too. So rather than get the wood (paddle) I stayed up and read Chem. We didn’t get our Trig papers back today I had hoped we would.
I got a box of vitamin pills from dad today so now maybe I can gain some weight.
March 9, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
If you will write three times a week so will I. I will try to make it on Mon., Wed., and sometime during the weekend; don’t you fail to do the same at least three times.
Its really a swell day here today all the snow has melted and the sun is shining. You couldn’t expect it to be this way over the week-end.
I am going to try and get some sleep this afternoon so will close and mail this so you will get it tomorrow.
Be good and by the way you never did tell me how the S.A.E. ranked on your list. I am listening – and waiting –
Tom is struggling with his English class theme, for which he was awarded a B- for “thought.” He’s also having some trouble with Chemistry. Zoe will visit him over the weekend and they plan to go to the Aragon Ballroom.
Wed. noon.
-1 : for misspelling.
-2 : for typographical error.
-5 ; for sentence structure and thought.
March 5, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
Do you notice any difference or can’t you read this either? I hope you give me a better grade on this than I just received on my theme. C- for grammar and B- for thought. The only reason that I got the B- in thought was because I put down the ideas of his which he had given the day before. That’s my new motto “Anything to get by.” In high school there were a few female teaches who could understand you alot better than any they have up here.
March 5, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
I certainly hope the weather this week-end will be like its been yesterday and today. I don’t even mind going in swimming even if I do just about freeze. I will ask you that when you get up here.
Yesterday in Chem I finished my first unknown but I also think I flunked a quiz. If its O.K. with you we will go to the Aragon Sat. night there will probably be three couples. (I have to answer the phone,.) I got one swat Mon. night for not answering it once before, but my roommate was swatting and he couldn’t hit hard if he wanted to. Don’t tell him that though or he might want to practice up some.
This letter is really alot longer than it looks. It looks like its almost as long as one of my 500 word themes. To keep you from becoming bored with it I had really better close.
Honey, I can hardly wait till Fri. comes even if I do have n hour exam in Trig.
Tom is delighted that Zoe is coming up to Evanston to visit him. It is bitterly cold and Lake Michigan is iced-in as far as Tom can see. His Chemistry course has added an additional 3-hour lab (total of 9 hours of lab per week.)
Thurs. noon.
February 26, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
I had to write as soon as I received your letter you don’t know how happy I was to hear that you had decided to come up. You don’t have the least idea how slow this next week will go. Let me know if your train arrives at the same time and I will be there. I will also fix the bed on the way down.
You don’t have to warn me about going out to much with the same girl, but you seem to be doing O.K. with the S.A.E.[1]Sigma Alpha Epsilon men’s fraternity at the University of Illinois
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois in 1990Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House, University of Illinois, Champaign, in 1904
I received a letter from you dad the same time I received yours. They must really be about snowed in at home. Its a good thing we aren’t there.
February 26, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
I finally got my afternoon nap in yesterday afternoon, but then I was up till 2:00 last night working on a Statistic report for Psychology. They have added an other Chem lab on our course it comes Fri. afternoon. That make 9 hours of lab a week. It certainly is a good thing I am not taking any other lab subjects.
A bunch of we fellows are going to the ballet this Fri. night. Can’t you see me at on of those.
The lakes frozen out as far as you can see I have been tempted to walk out on it, but it doesn’t look any too strong.
Its almost time for lunch so I will mail this on the way to class.
Write soon and keep away from the S.A.E. for awhile