Dear Dad,
I received your letter today and it was really swell to hear from you. It was the first letter I have got while here. I’ll go right through your letter and answer all the questions.
First what they are training us to fly: We can’t tell an awful lot just yet but it is apparent that they will try to get as many in multi-engine stuff as possible. I sort of think I would like to fly the single engine ones alittle better but this is one place where you don’t always get your choice and also the multi-engines are probably alittle safer and it wouldn’t do any harm to let that enter in. I have a mind to try for P38’s. but don’t know how my chances would be. Today I was transferred to the instrument squadron for 10 days, during which time I get 10 hrs. of dual instrument, 10 hrs. solo, 10 hrs. lecture, and 10 hrs. of link trainer.

All together the instrument time we are getting here at basic is as much as the graduated pilot use to get. It is really pretty nerve racking but it will probably come in handy. Alot of the things we are going into are pretty new and needless to say complicated. Oh yes! I soloed last Fri. and I certainly didn’t think I would that early. I hadn’t expected to before the first of the week and I think I was alittle doubtful about the idea. To top things off it was raining so I guess I am not a fair weather pilot after all. I don’t really know how many hours I have in here but somewhere around 12. Today in my solo period I shot my power on landing stage. Which consists of 6 power on landings. It wasn’t so very hard but you come in pretty hot even with the flaps down, usually about 90 MPH. The newest thing to us here is probably the radio, we have to keep radio contact at all times and everyone in awhile they call you just to make sure you are there. However, it is a good idea because the weather has been sort of bad lately with fog in the morning and it’s a good idea to know what the weather man has to say.

About a Christmas suggestion: Uncle Leslie said that the coat was ready so if this is OK with you it will really be swell with me and something I can really use. You can send it to me here when ever you can because we can wear them if they are cadet tailored.
I think I understand about the guardianship fund so as soon as the check + card come I’ll sign and send back. The idea is that if it gets over $20,000 then the tax increases, so by shifting it around it will get away from that. Am I right: What ever you decide will be OK with me so just tell me what I am to do.
I really envy you getting to go to Chicago and from the sound of things you should like it OK. However, I don’t want you to go up there and try to do too much work, if your office downtown will keep you too busy then I’d forget that part because there isn’t any sense in going from one hard life into another. You know more about this than I do and I’ll be looking forward to see how things work out. I am sure you will enjoy it and not only the work but also being there near Elaine’s. don’t get worried about the moving and last minute details because they will all work out.

The birthday card was really swell and I am glad you weren’t too disappointed. It doesn’t seem quite right that I should be out of the teens.
Well Dad I have to make a 7:55 formation in a few minutes so will have to sign off. I am sending a picture I picked up here of one of our BT’s. It was taken over the area. The picture makes the plane look pretty small but they are really pretty long.

So long –
With love,