Dear Folks,

As you can see I made it back from the bivouac ok. We walked back yesterday and made it in 3 hours and it was a good 15 miles. The boys in the back had to double time to keep up. We had an “eager beaver” of a 2nd Lt. leading us who had served on Attu Island and was really in condition. I don’t know if my feet or hands swelled the most, I do know that my right hand swelled that I couldn’t turn my ring. We had one ten minute rest, however, we didn’t mind the walking as much as we did the going without anything to drink. Everyone was glad to shower and get a shave. We moved directly into the new pilot squadron so this is the first chance I have had to do any writing at all. Our new C.O. seems to be a pretty nice fellow but you can’t tell about those fellows till they get mad and then they can really be tough. We haven’t heard how long we will be here but it will probably be 9 weeks, we start to school Mon. our courses will be, aircraft identification, code, gunnery, etc.
Things keep getting stricter as we go along and here we have to be ready for barracks or personal inspection 24 hours of the day. I wish you would send those things now because I can really use them. They are as follows: elec. razor, nail clippers, watch, + hair brush. We have to shave everymorning and in the hurry someone always gets left out.
Cleda, I received your letter today and I really enjoyed it. I am glad you had Mrs. Perkins for a meal and I am sure she enjoyed it even if it was hot. Thanks alot.
I got a letter from Mary and she said Dad couldn’t figure out what M.M. meant. It is just a glorified name for K.P. and means Mess Management.

I saw Sam Ashcroft today and he washed out on his eye test, he couldn’t cross his eyes, it is surprising how many wash on that. I am going to see him tomorrow, I don’t know what he plans on doing but I think he will go to Scott Field.
Tattoo just sounded so will have to close. I wanted to let you know the new address and that everything is going ok. This will be my address for some time so if any one wants it you will know. I am going to try to write Grandma tomorrow.
Goodnight –
Love, Tom
Dad, I have a pretty good book I will send you as soon as I finish it.
I will have a picture taken it cadet brass and send it to you.