The content of this online course is drawn from a U.S. Department of Defense publication, Basic Human Anatomy, Subcourse MD0006. The publication was produced by the US Army Medical Department Center and School. It has been adapted and modified for online learning by the Brookside Associates. The opinions expressed in this course are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, Dr. Hughey or the Brookside Associates.
This material is designed only for medical education and should not be used by unqualified individuals for diagnosis or treatment of disease or injury. The information was deemed reliable at the time it was originally produced, but changes in medical knowledge may have rendered some of this information obsolete or proven it to be incorrect.

Dr. Hughey is a medical educator and board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist with many years of experience in teaching students of the health professions. He may be contacted by email at
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