Other Spaces in the Ship

Ladder.jpg (37525 bytes) Let's look at some other spaces on the ship.

As we descend down the ladders, be careful not to lose your step. The ladders are very steep, land very tall. If you are not careful you may:

  • Bump your head on the edge of the hatch opening as you descend, or
  • Slip and fall down the stairs.

During General Quarters (call to "Man your Battle Stations"), everyone on the ship runs quickly to their station. During this time, personnel movement on the right (starboard) side of the ship is always forward and up (toward the front of the ship and upward toward the top). Personnel movement on the left (port) side of the ship is aft and down (toward the stern and toward the bottom of the ship). If you need to go up one deck to reach your battle station, you will always first go to the starboard (right) side of the ship, and then go up the ladder. This is usually easy to remember, since everyone around you will be moving in the same direction (up and forward, or down and aft). If you try to go against the flow, you will likely be run over and might get hurt.

Junior Enlisted Berthing and Messing:

These are living spaces for the junior personnel among the 1200 crewmembers.

Heads (bathrooms):

What they look like and the rules for their use.


Living spaces for Chief Petty Officers and Officers

Ward Room:

Where the ship's Officers take their meals.

Flight Deck:

The medical spaces on the flight deck and rules for being on the flight deck.

Hanger Deck:

Where aircraft are stored and repaired.


Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Department of the Navy
2300 E Street NW
Washington, D.C

Operational Medicine
 Health Care in Military Settings
CAPT Michael John Hughey, MC, USNR
  January 1, 2001

United States Special Operations Command
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