Ward Room

The Officers' Wardroom is where the ship's officers take their meals.

On smaller ships, there is considerable formality to each meal, and the rules of conduct are quite specific. Among these are:

  • No one sits down until the Head of the Wardroom (usually the Executive Officer) arrives and sits.
  • No one leaves until the XO leaves. If you must leave prior to his/her departure, ask permission. It is almost always granted.
  • There is no discussion of your work, politics, or religion. (yours or anyone else's)
  • There is no coarse language.
  • You are fully dressed in the uniform of the day.

On larger ships, there is often greater informality for breakfast and lunch, but dinner is usually still a formal affair.

A fourth meal ("Midrats") is served late at night to accommodate those standing watch overnight.

For more information on the protocols for the Ward Room, read:

LT Christian's Little Blue Book


Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Department of the Navy
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Washington, D.C

Operational Medicine
 Health Care in Military Settings
CAPT Michael John Hughey, MC, USNR
  January 1, 2001

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