Routine ultrasound scanning of all pregnant women early in pregnancy is
recommended by some, but not all authorities.
A routine ultrasound scan
early in pregnancy can be very useful, because it identifies those
destined to miscarry, those with an ectopic pregnancy, and those whose
gestational age does not agree with their LMP.
Later in pregnancy, routine scanning can identify growth
abnormalities, abnormalities in fetal position, some congenital
anomalies, and can be a very satisfying experience for the mother and
her partner.
Medically-indicated ultrasound scans may also be
appropriate. Ultrasound is used to evaluate vaginal bleeding or pain,
and discrepancies between the measured size of the uterus and the
expected size. It may be used to look for multiple gestations, such as
twins or triplets, determine the position of the fetus, and assess fetal
growth. Later in pregnancy, it may be used to evaluate fetal well-being,
amniotic fluid volumes, and to estimate fetal weight.
Read more about
Ultrasound Scans