During the days leading up to the menstrual flow, the breasts normally are
somewhat engorged and may be somewhat tender. Following the onset of menstrual
flow, these changes spontaneously resolve. If the tenderness is more than mild
or is clinically bothersome, it is called cyclic breast pain or mastodynia.
If examined during this time, these women also often have significantly
enhanced nodularity of the breast tissue. the combination of cyclic breast
pain and symmetrically thickened nodularity of the breast tissue is often
called fibrocystic disease (misnamed because it's not really a disease) or
fibrocystic breast changes.
While not dangerous, women with cyclic mastodynia find it annoying and in
its most severe form, interferes with some normal activities.

Cyclic Breast Pain
Some women find that by reducing or eliminating their intake of
caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks) and taking
Vitamin E supplements
(400 IU daily) has seemed to improve their symptoms. Whether such
improvement is pharmacologic or placebo in nature is still under debate.
Any pharmacologic approach that suppresses ovulation will be very
helpful in treating cyclic mastodynia. Among these,
birth control pills
are the simplest. Taking BCPs in the usual fashion generally improves
the pain significantly. For those who still experience significant pain, continuous
birth control pills will usually suppress the pain completely.
Also effective, by virtue of ovulation inhibition, are
medroxyprogesterone acetate, Lupron, or
Danocrine, the latter two
usually justified only in severe cases due to their significant side