Caroline Worth, Mena Remedios,
Ursula Kneisel, Anthea Clarke,
Gwithian Doswell, Judith Atkinson
From the epistle of Britain Yearly Meeting 2021:
“…..We know those who have contributed least to climate and ecological breakdown are the most affected: the poor, the global majority, and
vulnerable communities everywhere. We recognise and abhor the legion of violent, deadly impacts of economic and exploitative systems on both the people, other species and lifeforms, and the body of our Earth. The climate crisis is fueled by a system based on growth, consumption and systemic inequalities. If life on earth is to survive, we must push for a more democratic, compassionate and equitable world….”

As readers of the Forty-Three newsletter may know, there is a nationwide network of knitters, crocheters, weavers, quilters, and crafters who have been very busy during the past few months creating panels for a 1.5 km long blue and green scarf of ecomessages for the COP26 climate change talks taking place in Glasgow in November.
Some Quaker ‘Stitchers for Survival’ gathered one Wednesday lunch-time in the garden of 43 to share a few of our finished green and blue panels. Here they are mingling with some other wonderful pieces made by the East Oxford weavers.
The following Saturday our Oxford Stitches for Survival Group (including Friends) shared the messages with the people of Oxford with a display in Bonn Square. The group enjoyed talking with
passers-by about the messages we hope to send.
We need:
- To put the Earth first
- To keep fossil fuels in the ground
- Legal protection for the Earth and oceans
- Fair and sustainable economic systems that place the thriving and wellbeing of all life at the centre.
It isn’t too late to join us. Knit, crochet, or quilt a panel 100cm x 60cm before the middle of September in earth colours (i.e. mostly green or blue). If you prefer, you can knit or crochet smaller pieces, say 25cm x 20cm or 15cm x 10cm, which can make up a patchwork panel. Leave a message with Gwithian Doswell on 01865-513077 or email for more information. We will be meeting again in September to sew our work together.
NB The 1.5 km represents the 1.5 degree global warming target agreed by world leaders in Paris in 2016. Urgent action is needed if we are to meet this target.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 509 • September 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW