Stephen Yeo
Such have been the changes in all our lives during COVID-time, as well as among Oxford and Swindon Area Meetings and Friends, that it is time to re-introduce our Poems in the Library to attenders, Friends, friends, and readers of Forty-Three Newsletter. Poems in the Library will now take place in person in the Meeting House, on Zoom, and sometimes both at once.

There are perhaps readers of the Newsletter not familiar with these monthly poetry sessions who would like to know how to take part in them, or how to get regular, direct information about them. Participants have been enjoying these sessions for
at least ten years now. All are welcome. Email and your name will be added to the circulation list.
We meet on (irregular) Mondays once every month between 16:00 and 18:00. The next three meetings are on Monday 20 September, Monday 18 October and Monday 15 November. They will be ‘blended’ meetings. That is to say they will be actual meetings for people who prefer to come to the Meeting House at 43 St Giles and simultaneously available on Zoom on the Afterword link – which will be sent to everyone who emails Stephen to say they would like
to be on the circulation list.
At each meeting we have a (voluntary) theme to help people choose a poem they would like to read out loud and talk about with the group. In September the theme is ‘Wit’, in October we return to ‘Free Form / Free Play’. The November theme will be agreed nearer the time. But any poem we like or want to share (not written by ourselves!) is always welcome. Participants new or old: are all welcome.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 509 • September 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW