Monthly Appeal – October 2022

Oxford Winter Night Shelter

Photo by SL Granum

The Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS ) is a service set up and run by representatives of Churches Together in Oxfordshire (CTIO). It aims to relieve some of the suffering experienced during the coldest months of the year by people who have no accommodation. 

Elisabeth Salisbury has told us of the increasing need for this service and of the huge amount of work involved in organising warm and safe places for people to spend their nights. 

Please give as generously as you can and make your payment to Oxford Winter Night Shelter. 

Cheques (CAF* or otherwise) should be made out to Oxford Winter Night Shelter and sent to The Secretary OWNS c/o St Michael at the Northgate OX1 3EY. 

The website gives very clear guidance on paying by card or Paypal.

*CAF is the Charities Aid Foundation 

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 522 • October 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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