
Julia Dover
Youth, Children and Families and Development Worker (Thames Valley)

Photo provided by Julia Dover

I’m delighted to introduce myself as the brand new Youth, Children and Families Development Worker for Mid Thames and Oxford and Swindon Area Meetings. This role is a fabulous opportunity to bring imagination and play into the experience of being spirit in form, whether we’re young or old, in-between, or all together. I land in the Quaker community with an extensive background as a facilitator and creative, having worked as a documentary producer, performance artist and a director of site-specific theatre with non-actors. I’ve also taught drama to teenagers. My own spiritual ground is at once eclectic and universal, nourished in part through wilderness, Tibetan Buddhism, European shamanism, and First Nations spiritual traditions; I also hugely enjoy working in collaborative cross-cultural and ecumenical fashion.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at to share thoughts and ideas or simply to introduce yourselves, and I look forward to playing, creating, and exploring with you.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 522 • October 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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