Elisabeth Salisbury
with S. Frances Dominica
The Porch (https://theporch.org.uk) was originally a café serving food to homeless and vulnerably housed people from the front door of the convent of All Saints Sisters of the Poor, in Magdalen Road, East Oxford, in 1985.
More and more people came to the door until it was difficult for the sisters to get in or out! A converted disused storeroom was followed by a move 16 years later to no. 139 Magdalen Road, providing more space and additional facilities.
The Porch used to be open from 10:00 to 16:00 but with COVID restrictions it hasn’t been possible to invite Members in. Volunteers have delivered parcels to where people are housed as well as handing out food at the door. They now give out at the door.

The Porch has now bought the disused Elim Church just along Magdalen Road. They have plans to make it a welcoming space, open all day, with many more facilities. To make it fit for purpose will cost a great deal of money but over half has already been raised. Anything you can offer will be very gratefully received.
Cheques written to: The Porch Building Fund
should be sent to:
The Porch,
139 Magdalen Road,
Oxford OX4 1RL.
BACS: Sort Code 30 12 51
Account 00592264
For online donations, and more details about the refurbishment plans, see:
https://theporch.org.uk and
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 510 • October 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW