About Me…
Loren Scrivener
I have been made to feel so welcomed and accepted by my friends here at the meeting house…

…And Me
Jarrell Ireson
My name is Jarell Ireson; I’m one of the new apprentices working at the Oxford Quakers.

In Step with Divine Will
Ellen Bassani
These encounters are unusual. How can they be coincidences? There was a flow far beyond my control. Surely the divine Spirit was at work?

The Future and Foundations of Quaker Change-Making
Matt Rosen
The Young Friends Worldwide for Climate Action, Peace, and Justice Network will begin a project with Woodbrooke in November on ‘The future and foundations of Quaker change-making’.

October Appeal: The Porch
Elisabeth Salisbury
with S. Frances Dominica
The Porch was originally a café serving food to homeless and vulnerably housed people from the front door of the convent of All Saints Sisters of the Poor, in Magdalen Road, East Oxford, in 1985.

We are Already Connected
A. David Markham
Quakers we must not fall into the modern belief that such technologies are necessary in order to be connected. We were already connected.

Reflecting on the Swarthmore Lecture
A session for Friends to share their thoughts following the 2021 Swarthmore Lecture: ‘Kinder Ground: Creating Space for Truth’, given by Thomas Penny.

Quaker Conversation Openers
Sarah Lasenby
I am keen to try this out because I know there are people out there who are really Quakers, possibly without knowing it.

Piano Enquiry
Anne Watson
An elderly Friend has a piano that she can no longer play, but she’d love it if someone would come to play it occasionally in her home.
The (Very) Big Picture
Keith Wilson
Not much of a picture, is it? Just a collection of dots and blobs on a black background. Nevertheless, the first time I saw it, it stopped me in my tracks.

Mystery Banner
Sarah Lasenby
I call this banner a mystery because when some years ago I needed some cloth to make a new banner, I went to Orinoco in Oxford, a very useful recycling centre.

Digital Marketing Experience?
Sheila Furlong
Do you have experience in digital marketing? If so, we would love to have a conversation with you…
The Paradox of Quaker Belief
Most Quakers agree there is an Inner Light in every person.
But is the Light Christian or is it universal?
Liberal Quakerism: Three perspectives
What do the next 75 years look like?
43 St Giles Community Noticeboard Online, October 2021
From the Office
From Quaker Faith and Practice
…we ourselves are as limited and as erring as anyone else.
Meetings for Worship
October 2021
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 510 • October 2021
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW