Being the Quakers the World Needs
Matthew Gee
Eight children, together with their parents or grandparents, took part in our October all-age meeting for worship, marking both the end of Quaker Week, with its theme of ‘Share your light: Welcoming Families’, and World Quaker Day, with its theme of ‘Becoming the Quakers the world needs’.

After reading the Portuguese parable of the Match and the Candle, Quakers of all ages from across the meeting contributed to our ‘stained glass’ flame, within the worship, each adding one piece of tissue paper to our flame, whilst sharing hopes and prayers for what we as individuals and a community, including our meeting’s children and young people, can contribute to the world in the future. We finished by singing ‘I dream of a church’ by Kate Compston, from ‘Sing in the Spirit: A Book of Quaker Songs’.
Oxford Meeting has three all-age meetings for worship each year, where our children’s meetings are combined with the main meeting for worship, and we all worship together. Our next all-age meeting for worship will be on Sunday 4 December as part of the 10:30 single meeting.
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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 522 • October 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers