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Christopher Watson – A Tribute to a Long and Wonderful Life
Alan Allport
I have known and loved Christopher for well over 60 years.
Monthly Appeal
The Good Law Project
Truth and integrity in public life are essential to the functioning of a democracy that is backed by the legal system, and they are at the heart of our Quaker testimonies.
Extended Meeting for Worship
Brighid Schroer
…will take place at 43 St Giles on Saturday 8 October, 10:15 for 10:30 finishing about 13:30.
New Loving Earth Project Books
Matt Rosen
In 2019, a group of Friends in Britain started the Loving Earth Project to celebrate the many places, people, plants, and animals threatened by environmental devastation.

Quaker Faith and Food Practices
Juliet Henderson
With a self-elected private nickname of ‘greedy grops’, you will understand I both love food and at times feel slightly guilty for how much this is so.
All-Age Worship: Being the Quakers the World Needs
Matthew Gee
Our next all-age meeting for worship will be on Sunday 4 December as part of the 10:30 single meeting.
On School Uniforms
Anne Watson
Oxford Friends Action against Poverty
No parent should have to lie awake at night wondering about how they’ll afford their child’s uniform.
Vocal Ministry and Quaker Meeting
JE McNeil
What I love about being a Quaker is you can go to any Quaker meeting in the world and you don’t know what you’re gonna get, and I like that!
Fitting into “God’s Big Tent”
John Spears
If it was my tent I’d say, ‘Come on in! Have a beer!
In Penn’s Shadow (1680-1720) – Philadelphia: The Great Experiment
History Making Productions
Penn’s busy life reflected an era of chaotic upheaval and conflict. He is at once a radical Quaker, political prisoner, visionary city planner, absent landlord, and a slaveholder.
Berks & Oxon Regional Meeting
Matthew Gee
It was so refreshing to have a Quaker event that was specifically designed to be all-age.
From Quaker Faith & Practice 10.03
Meetings for Worship
November 2022
Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 523 • November 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW
Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers