
Rolf Lange

Windswept bridge
One man on the wheel
Lonely, unusual,
Eastern and haunting.
We are waiting
For the body of a friend
From a far country.
Everything is sad,
Blue sea haze like glass.
We are waiting.

Some background on the author:
My late husband Rolf Lange grew up in Nazi Germany. Although not Quaker, he was a peaceful man who passionately believed that a united Europe would eliminate the need for war between nations. How sad he would have been to know of Brexit and the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. I published his poems in the book “Walking With the Sun” as a tribute to him after his sudden death six years ago in Spain, where we lived for 22 years.

Carol Lange

Photo from Wikimedia Commons

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 517 • May 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW


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