Mutual Support Group – ‘Getting Older’

Pastoral Care Group

SL Granum

The Pastoral Care Group has been asked whether it would be possible to set up a mutual support group for members of our Quaker community who live on their own and are concerned about the problems of getting older.

To find out whether this would be of interest to Oxford Friends, there will be a friendly get-together adjacent to the Kindness Caf  (in a corner of the garden, or a room in 43, depending on the weather), on Tuesday 28 June in the morning, to explore this further with Friends.

Please come along if you are interested. If you cannot attend the Kindness Cafe but are interested in such a group, you can contact

Jane Mactaggart (01865) 558555,
Jacqui Ferguson (01865) 557960, or
Caroline Worth (01865) 433219.

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 517 • May 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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