Monthly Appeal May 2022

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA)

Richard Seebohm

Poster provided by Richard Seebohm

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) had a chequered time in the past year, with staffing controversies. However, the appointment of a communications/fundraising officer is now in hand.

More importantly, the process of appointing a new Director by the end of the summer is now underway, drawing on lessons learned and involving the services of a human-resources professional. Thus QCEA is still ‘our Quaker voice in Europe’. And as you can see in the latest issue of its Around Europe newsletter, QCEA still offers a window on post-Brexit Europe for us at home.

It is still a respected partner among the rather few Brussels NGOs witnessing to humane and principled policies for people, economics, and public life – in a world of massive business lobbying, especially the arms trade and big pharma. It also keeps the faith-based voice alive – alongside the perhaps more inward-looking bodies such as the Conference of European Churches and the Catholic Bishops.

Our money will help it to come back to full functioning:

Cheques to:
British Friends of the Quaker Council for European Affairs,
33 Shaw Lane Gardens,
Guiseley, Leeds,
West Yorkshire, LS20 9JQ

Bank transfers to:
CAF Bank
British Friends of the Quaker Council for European Affairs
account 00004748
sort code 40-52-40

Direct debit via:

Copies of Around Europe are in the Meeting House. You can see a screen-readable version at – scroll down to WAR IS A CHOICE.
(There is a link to Richard Seebohm’s writing on page 2.)

More articles in this month’s newsletter:

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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 517 • May 2022
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2022, Oxford Quakers

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