All-Age Worship: Sunday 5 March

Matthew Gee

Image by M Hughey

Our next all-age meeting for worship is on the theme of joy and wonder, on Sunday 5 March 2023, as part of the 10:30 single meeting for worship.  All-age meetings for worship are a chance for us to worship as a whole community, with children and adults together.  This meeting for worship will include some semi-programmed elements, including a reading of a picture book on the theme; a worship-sharing activity exploring what makes our hearts sing; and an opportunity to sing ‘Give Me Joy in my Heart’ and ‘Teach Me, God, To Wonder’.  

The joy and wonder theme for this all-age meeting for worship links with the area meeting-wide Wonder Days which are being planned over the rest of the year, exploring the question ‘what makes our hearts sing’, inspired by Julia Dover, starting with their launch at Area Meeting in Burford on 11th March 2023.  Look at Julia’s update in this edition of Forty-Three Newsletter to see how you can contribute and participate.

Oxford Meeting has a custom of holding three all-age meetings for worship each year on the first Sundays of March, October and December.  Find out more about all-age meetings for worship in Oxford at:


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Forty-Three Newsletter • Number 527 • March 2023
Oxford Friends Meeting
43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW

Copyright 2023, Oxford Quakers

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